
Pests thrive in dirty environments. Thoroughly cleaning seldom used cupboards and storage areas several times a year, wiping down all kitchen surfaces daily and storing food in sealed containers will help make your home less attractive and hospitable to pests.

Raking moisture-wicking soil and mulch away from window frames, and keeping bushes and low wood trimmed will also reduce pest habitats.

Keep Your Yard Clean

The arrival of spring means warm weather, flowers in bloom and a return of outdoor activity. However, it also marks the arrival of pests looking for food, water and shelter. You can keep these pesky creatures away by being proactive about cleaning and securing your yard and home.

Clutter is the perfect hiding spot for pests, and it can also provide entry points into your home. It’s important to clear out any dirt and debris that has gathered over the winter. It’s also a good time to empty out flower pots, buckets, toys and other items that are often used outdoors. Also be sure to clean out the garage, if you have one, as flies and other pests can be attracted to dirty garbage.

Weeds, overgrown grass and cluttered woodpiles are also breeding grounds for bugs, fleas and ticks, so it’s essential to keep these areas well-groomed. Store firewood piles at least a few feet from your house, and make sure to rake leaves regularly.

Standing water is another attraction for many unwelcome guests, so it’s important to get rid of it as soon as possible. This may mean emptying the koi pond after a rainstorm or removing puddles from the sidewalk. Mosquitoes, flies and other insects thrive in moist environments.

It’s also a good idea to store all household garbage in airtight containers until it is picked up for curbside collection. You can even add a scoop of borax, which is available at most garden centers, to your garbage bags as an extra line of defense against flies and other pests.

Some pests have a bad rap, but there are plenty of “friendly” insects, like ladybugs and beetles, that help control destructive insect populations in your yard. They feed on the aphids and other insects that would otherwise lay waste to your prize roses and veggie gardens. If you’re worried about a pest infestation, schedule regular visits from a professional pest control company to protect your home and yard. These trained technicians have the skills and equipment to deploy effective pesticides without endangering you or your pets.

Seal Up Entry Points

The first step in preventing pest infestations is to examine the exterior of your home and seal up any entry points. Look for cracks and crevices, especially those around the foundation, and fill them with caulk or steel wool. Make sure that door sweeps and thresholds are installed, and that windows have tight screens and weather stripping. Check for holes where utilities and vents enter through the walls, and plug them with something rodents cannot gnaw through, such as copper wool or plastic wood putty.

Another common entry point for mice, raccoons, squirrels, and birds is through the chimney. A chimney cap can keep these creatures out, while still allowing smoke to exit. The attic is also a common entrance point for these animals, as well as spiders, crickets, and other insects that love to hide in warm and dark places. If you have attic fans, cover them with wire mesh to keep pests from sneaking in.

Rodents have a way of finding small holes in the attic, basement, and crawl spaces. They can also squeeze through tiny gaps under doors and windows. Inspect these areas for signs of rodent activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, or chewed wires and cords. Seal any gaps you find with caulk, and fill smaller openings with steel wool or plastic wood putty.

The garage is another common entry point for pests. Many homeowners treat the garage as a transition space between indoors and outdoors, but this can leave it vulnerable to mice, raccoons, and squirrels. If you have a pet, make sure the door into the garage is sealed shut, and that there are no gapping areas under or around the door.

Insects and spiders can also invade through cracks in the fascia, soffits, roofline, and chimney. If you have these issues, a professional should be called in to help.

Keep Your Home Clean

Keeping your home clean is the best way to prevent pests from entering your house. Pests like mice, rats, cockroaches, and ants not only ruin your home’s beauty but also cause damage to your property and health problems for you and your family. Some of these pests also carry diseases like malaria, yellow fever, and dengue which can be transmitted to humans.

Pests enter homes in search of food, water, and shelter. Eliminating these 3 attractants is the easiest way to keep pests away from your home. Be sure to repair leaky pipes and faucets inside and outside your house, and store food in air-tight containers both indoors and outdoors. Also, make sure your trash receptacles are sealed and cleaned regularly. Keep pet food and water bowls away from the front of your house, and declutter your home to remove clutter that can serve as hiding spots for pests.

Another thing to keep in mind is that many of the pests that invade homes in the spring are seasonal, meaning that they come around as the weather warms up and mating season begins. This is why it is important to be vigilant in the spring and make sure your home is protected from pests.

While some of these pests can be dangerous to your health (rodents, roaches, and termites), some are actually good for your garden. Ladybugs and green lacewings eat aphids, ground beetles devour caterpillars, and bats control the populations of mosquitoes and other pests that can be harmful to you.

The transition to spring brings a lot of moisture, and it’s easy for this dampness to affect the soil and wood around your home. Be sure to rake moisture-wicking mulch periodically and keep bushes and trees trimmed back from your home’s foundation. Store firewood and other wood building materials away from your home, and be sure to seal any construction gaps you find on the exterior of your house.

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so be sure to clean drains regularly and remove any clogged rain gutters. Additionally, keep water vessels like buckets, pots, and vases out of the house and use them only for outdoor purposes.

Get Rid of Clutter

Clutter attracts pests, and they thrive in a messy environment. It’s important to clear out clutter regularly so that it doesn’t build up and cause problems in your home. It’s also good to declutter for your health and well-being. Too much stuff can lead to stress, weight gain, and a less than optimal mood.

Clutter can include obvious trash, like old food and old towels, as well as things that are just “junk” or no longer serve a purpose in your life. You can start by challenging each family member to donate or throw away one item a day, then work up to going through specific areas of the house and decluttering them. For example, go through toy storage, closets, and junk drawers. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you try to tackle everything at once, so break it up and work on it room by room.

It’s also a good idea to check in attics and basements, where spider webs and other insects can lurk. Look for signs of pest activity, such as droppings (rodents have spindly, conical drops; birds have rounded droppings).

Finally, make sure to keep all your windows and doors closed while cleaning the outside of your house, so that pests don’t escape. In addition, make sure to close your garage door and put up a screen on your chimney so that pests can’t enter through these areas.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your home and yard free of pests all year round. Keep in mind, too, that if you’re still experiencing pest problems after trying these methods, it’s probably time to call the professionals! A professional exterminator can ensure that you’re completely pest free. They can even perform an inspection for you, too! So don’t wait; give us a call today. You won’t regret it! And remember, we offer free pest control estimates to all of our customers. So, if you need an exterminator, there’s no better choice than the Pro Team! And if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our customer care center.