Bed Bug Infestation: Signs, Prevention, and Treatment

Pests are unwanted organisms that damage or interfere with our fields and orchards, landscapes, and wildlands; cause injury to animals; displace native plants; or disrupt ecosystem processes. A pest may be a plant, an insect, disease pathogen, nematode, or vertebrate. For more information, click the link provided to proceed.

IPM strategies begin with prevention and include cultural, mechanical, biological and, if necessary, chemical control options. Treatments are used as little as possible and in the least volatile formulations to minimize their impact on non-target plants and organisms.

Pests can damage or devalue plants, food sources, lawns, gardens, and human structures. They also displace native species, alter soil health and nutrient content, and negatively affect terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

To control pests, schools need to implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM is an environmentally friendly approach that reduces children’s exposure to harmful chemicals and provides a safer learning environment. Schools can save money in the long run by implementing IPM and avoiding costly pesticide treatments.

The first step in an IPM plan is monitoring or scouting the landscape, field, garden, or building on a regular basis to identify pests and their damage. This information helps determine whether the problem warrants treatment and what methods to use. Monitoring includes correcting cultural problems, using mechanical or biological controls, and when necessary, applying chemicals that are specifically labeled for the particular pest.

Preventing pests involves selecting plants that are well-adapted to the local environment and planting them in their best locations to provide the right amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients. Planting trees, shrubs, and flowers with the proper size, shape, and color is important to the health of the planting and its resistance to diseases and pests.

Another important preventive measure is inspecting the planted landscape regularly for signs of pests, including eggs, larvae, and adult insects. Inspecting plants in the landscape or at a school regularly will help to identify pests early, when they are easier to treat. When IPM monitoring reveals that a pest is present, the next step in an IPM plan is to set an action threshold. A defined threshold focuses the size, scope, and intensity of any control measures.

Some pests have natural predators or parasitoids that keep their numbers under control. Other pests, such as Japanese beetles and gypsy moths, have no natural predators and must be managed by humans. Biological control methods, such as the introduction of pathogenic bacteria that destroy or debilitate the pests, are used to manage these pests.

Crop rotation, the practice of planting different types of crops in sequences over time, can reduce the number and diversity of pests in a landscape or crop. This practice can also slow the spread of some pests by preventing them from migrating between crops or finding new host plants.


Pests include undesirable plants (weeds), vertebrate animals, invertebrates (insects, mites, snails, nematodes), bacteria, fungi, viruses, or other pathogens that damage, devalue, or displace desirable crops, lawns, and gardens, or harm human health or property. They may also disrupt terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems.

Suppression methods seek to control or eliminate pests by removing or blocking access to essential elements required for pest growth and reproduction, such as food, water, and shelter. Some suppression techniques include cultural practices, soil modifications, and plant varieties that are resistant to a particular pest.

Biological control includes introducing or releasing organisms that naturally prey on or parasitize pests to reduce their numbers. This is a key component of integrated pest management (IPM), which couples preventive methods with biological controls. It is important to purchase organisms from a reputable source and learn how, when, and where to release them to ensure success. For example, a purchased predatory lady beetle from California will likely not perform well in North Carolina because it instinctively flies far away from the source of its food.

Chemicals are sometimes necessary for successful pest management, especially when other control options fail. They can be natural or synthetic, and they include herbicides to kill weeds, insecticides to kill insects, and fungicides to control diseases. Chemicals must be used in accordance with label instructions to minimize risks to people and beneficial insects.

IPM also includes a method called “pesticide rotation,” which involves planting different crop types in consecutive years to exclude certain pest species. For example, brassicas and cruciferous vegetables grow best in sequences that exclude cabbage pests; strawberry plants thrive when planted in fields that do not contain potato pests. This method is a good alternative to eradication, which can be expensive, time-consuming, and disruptive to the environment. Also, it is important to keep records of pest problems and the actions taken to manage them. These records will be valuable in determining whether IPM has been successful and if additional steps are needed. This will help prevent the overuse of pesticides. Also, as landscape plants mature, the shading they create can change the relationship between them and their pests, so reevaluation of IPM strategies is important.


In the context of pest control, eradication refers to destroying an entire pest population. Eradication may be accomplished by using a combination of methods, such as chemical and non-chemical controls. Non-chemical methods include sanitation, physical controls, biological controls, and cultural practices.

Eradication requires a thorough understanding of the pest’s life cycle, its behavior, and the environmental factors that influence its growth. Accurate identification of the pest is also important. This information will help determine the best method for controlling it.

When a pesticide application fails, it could be because the pest is resistant to that particular chemical, or because the wrong pesticide was used. In addition, the pest may be at a stage of its life cycle when it is less susceptible to the chemical, or the location where it is found is unfavorable for spraying.

If the pesticide was applied correctly, it may not have been effective because of bad weather conditions, or because it wasn’t applied at the right time in the insect’s life cycle. The pest may also have moved to another part of the field, or it may have migrated from an area that was treated.

Biological controls are the use of organisms that naturally reduce or eliminate pest populations, such as predatory insects that feed on pests or parasites that lay eggs in or on the pest. This type of control is useful for a wide variety of crops. However, biological control is expensive, and it can be difficult to implement in large fields where many different species of pests are present.

The IAEA supports the development and transfer of radiation-based technologies, such as the sterile insect technique (SIT) and inherited sterility, to prevent insect-related risks to human and animal health, crop and livestock production and ecosystems. The IAEA’s Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture researches, develops and applies SIT, inherited sterility and other biological control techniques worldwide.

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a method for reducing pests and their damage to an acceptable level through the coordinated use of several control tactics. These tactics include prevention, suppression, eradication and monitoring.


The monitoring phase of IPM involves checking your crop regularly for pests and other damage. This includes making accurate identifications of the pests and assessing their abundance. It also involves recording your observations on a field data sheet that allows you to track pest populations and related crop injury over time. This information can help you determine when it’s necessary to control them.

The goal of monitoring is to identify the presence and intensity of pests and their damage in your greenhouse crops and growing area. This helps you decide whether and when to apply preventive or suppression controls to keep the pests at or below the economic injury level (EIL). It also allows you to evaluate your choice of control tactics for effectiveness and risk.

A variety of pests can be found in greenhouse crops and growing areas, including insects, diseases, nematodes, and weeds. Some are continuous, meaning they are always present, while others are sporadic or migratory and require control only under certain conditions.

Depending on the type of greenhouse, crop, and management practices used in the greenhouse, different methods can be used to monitor for pests. Typically, the most effective way to monitor is through visual observation. This includes searching plants for pests and carefully examining plant parts, such as leaves and stems. This technique is best for pests that are hard to detect by other means, such as aphids and some psyllids.

You can also use synthetic pheromones to monitor for pest populations. These are manufactured copies of the natural pheromones that insect species release to attract each other or to mark territory. By combining these with mating disruption or mass trapping techniques, you can reduce pest numbers and improve control.

The Ministry of Agriculture has an extensive pest monitoring network that allows us to closely monitor the number and severity of insect, disease, and weed populations across Saskatchewan. These results are used to support research initiatives and to inform trade discussions. They are also archived and used to provide historical trends to allow us to better understand how pests relate to climate changes, agri-business activities, and other factors that influence their abundance.

Insects, Flies, Mosquitoes, and Cockroaches – What You Need to Know About Pest Control

Pest Control is the process of managing pests. This can be done through physical, biological, or chemical methods. For more information, click the Pezz Pest Control to proceed.

Physical methods include traps and barriers. They are typically non-toxic and best for small infestations.

Blocking points of entry is important. For example, caulk cracks and crevices around baseboards, drains, and pipes.


Insects are the largest group of animals in the arthropod phylum and the most numerous of all living organisms. They have a chitinous exoskeleton, three body parts (head, thorax and abdomen), two pairs of wings, compound eyes and a mouth.

In nature, insects live all over the world and are extremely diverse in appearance. Among them are butterflies, bees, mosquitoes, house flies, silk moths, beetles and crickets. Most insects develop from eggs, then pass through larvae, nymphs and adults to reach maturity. This process is called metamorphosis.

Many insect species are important from an agricultural standpoint because they pollinate plants, spread seeds and act as decomposers. In addition, some insects serve as scavengers and predators of injurious plant pests.

Other insects cause damage to crops or their foliage by injecting pathogens into plant tissues through the piercing and sucking action of their mouthparts or by spreading disease pathogens on their bodies. They can also carry pathogens in their feces, allowing the disease to complete its life cycle on a new host.

Because of their abundance, size and diversity, insects are essential to the health of ecosystems. Their behavior and ecology are valuable objects of scientific study, providing important information on genetics, population biology and other physiological processes. Insects are a major source of food for other animals and can play critical roles in aquatic ecosystems as grazers like mayflies, damselflies and stoneflies, scrapers and detritivores such as caddisflies and alderflies, water striders and diving beetles, and predators such as dragonflies and damselflies, backswimmers and crane flies.


Rodents are animals that feed on plants, seeds, and other food and use their sharp incisors to destroy or damage materials such as wood and glass. They are also a significant source of diseases transmitted to humans and other animals. Rodents are prodigious breeders, and an infestation can quickly spread from one location to the rest of the property.

Rodents inhabit a wide variety of habitats, including tree holes and crevices, rock or cave crevices, burrows, mounds of cut vegetation in aquatic environments, and underground tunnel systems. They may be active all year or enter periods of dormancy or deep hibernation. Species such as rats (Rattus norvegicus) and mice (Mus musculus) breed rapidly, with litters of up to 22 offspring being produced in a single year.

To control rodent populations, sanitation is critical. Remove garbage, woodpiles, stacks of lumber and other material, and other items that provide shelter. Store foods in rodent-proof containers and dispose of trash on a regular basis. Replace dumpsters and other trash containers with those made of materials difficult for rodents to chew, and keep them securely closed.

Rodent-proofing of buildings should include the use of metal screens over vents and floor drains, tight fitting doors with self-closing latches, and caulking around pipes, windows, and door frames. In addition, rodent bait stations should be placed along pathways and entry points to structures. Bait blocks and solid rodenticides should be housed in tamper-resistant bait stations to prevent contamination by non-target animals.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals while they sleep. The reddish-brown creatures hide in tight spaces like behind headboards, under mattress pads and inside upholstered furniture. They’re nocturnal, but they may also bite during the day. Their flat bodies help them fit into small hiding spots and avoid being smashed by people or furniture.

Keeping high standards of hygiene and housekeeping can help keep bed bug populations to a minimum. Thoroughly washing bedding and clothing (including curtains, rugs and drapes) in hot water helps eliminate the pests and their eggs. Vacuuming and spraying common hiding areas with surface pesticides registered to control bed bugs can also help. Use only pesticides labeled for indoor use, and follow the application directions closely.

If you suspect a problem with bed bugs, call your pest control company immediately. They will examine your home for infestations and bed bug-friendly hiding places, then give you a list of preparations to make before the treatment begins. These include separating treated from untreated rooms, vacuuming the room’s seams and crevices using a nozzle attachment, vacuuming the baseboards and ceiling moldings and emptying dust containers and removing covers from stuffed furniture.

Your pest control expert will apply crack and crevice treatment in any areas that bed bugs tend to nest or congregate, such as under mattresses or along the sides of the frame. They might use spot treatment as well, spraying a concentrated dose of an insecticide in any places where the bugs are visible, such as on the corners of walls or behind headboards. They might also use deterrents, such as puffed in dusts containing diatomaceous earth. The chemical works by drying out the pests, and it’s safe to breathe when applied correctly.


Mosquitoes are a nuisance pest that feed on mammals and other animals, including birds and reptiles, and can spread serious diseases, including West Nile virus, dengue fever, and Zika virus. They are also known to bite humans and transmit heartworms in dogs. Mosquitoes are insects in the order Diptera and belong to the family Asilidae. They have long legs and wings, and their heads feature a proboscis for piercing and sucking.

Mosquito eggs are laid on the surface of water and hatch into aquatic larvae, commonly referred to as “wrigglers.” These worm-like larvae spend most of their lives in standing water and feed by consuming algae and organic debris in the water. As adults, mosquitoes emerge from their pupal cases and are free-swimming, breathing through tubes on their thorax.

For adult mosquito control, state and local governments typically use a combination of spraying, fogging, and coils to reduce populations. Products sold to homeowners for this purpose are called adulticides and contain ingredients such as organophosphate insecticides (malathion or naled) and synthetic pyrethroids (allethrin, cypermethrin, etofenprox, iprodione, permethrin, resmethrin, or sumithrin).

Source reduction is the most important way to control mosquitoes. This includes eliminating all standing water around homes, such as rain gutters, old tires, buckets, toys, and other containers where mosquitoes breed. Also, running fans in the house during the day can help keep mosquitoes away from residents while they are sleeping.


Flies are a nuisance pest that can also cause disease. Filth flies such as house and fruit flies feed on decaying organic wastes, which carry and transfer pathogens that cause food-borne illnesses. The hairs on the bodies of some fly species allow them to pick up and move pathogens from one surface to another, including human skin.

There’s hardly an environment or organic material that doesn’t attract fly larvae. Aquatic species breed in lakes, ponds, rivers, puddles, marshes, birdbaths and swamps. Others live in soil, fungi and plant stems and leaves, garbage and dead animal tissue. Some are parasitic, laying their eggs inside or on vertebrates such as birds and mammals, where they hatch to consume the animal’s blood or secretions.

Insecticides are generally not effective at controlling fly populations long-term. Instead, preventative measures such as cleaning up materials that attract flies, keeping uncovered garbage cans closed and using mesh screens on doors and windows are the best fly control methods.

In cases where a problem persists, professional pest control services can provide targeted treatments around the outside of your New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland or Delaware area home or business. For example, a specialist might spray exterior surfaces in areas where flies congregate (such as the doorways of restaurants or horse stables) with an EPA-approved residual insecticide that provides temporary control. These products can be found as a powder to be mixed with water, a ready-to-use liquid or emulsion, or as an aerosol.


As cockroaches scavenge for food, they pick up bacteria, viruses and other pathogens on their legs and bodies. When cockroaches come in contact with contaminated surfaces, utensils and foods, they can transfer these disease-causing agents to humans.

Cockroaches are also a health hazard because they can trigger allergies and asthma in sensitive individuals. They carry substances on their bodies like feces, shed skins and secretions that can be airborne when the pests move through ventilation systems or wall voids.

The long-term control of cockroaches requires sanitation and exclusion. Ensure food containers are tight-fitting, wipe down surfaces often and remove debris from areas where cockroaches are known to hide. Install covers (escutcheon plates) over points where plumbing enters walls and caulk cracks where cockroaches can crawl through.

Apply dusts and liquid insecticides at label rates to cracks and crevices where cockroaches are known to live. Do not spray around electrical outlets, as some products may damage wires. Eliminate moisture problems by repairing leaks and ensuring damp spots are dried promptly.

Businesses like restaurants can suffer a loss of reputation and revenue when cockroach infestations are allowed to persist. These pests contaminate food supplies and preparation surfaces with bacteria and other pathogens, leading to health code violations and possible lawsuits from sickened customers. Commercial pest control specialists can develop a strategy for reducing cockroach populations that includes pest treatment, baits and sealing off potential harborage sites.

Experienced Pest Management Specialist: Effective Solutions for a Pest-Free Environment

Pest control is a process that prevents and/or removes undesirable organisms. The goal is to reduce harm from pests to a level that’s acceptable. This includes preventing the spread of disease caused by pests.

Rodents like mice and rats chew through wires which can cause a fire hazard. They also spread diseases such as hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, leptospirosis and salmonella. For more information, click the link provided to proceed.

Pest identification is a critical first step in any pest management strategy. This involves determining whether or not a pest is in fact present and identifying its characteristics. Proper pest identification is crucial for determining the need for control measures, as different pests require different control methods. Getting it right can save time and money and reduce risks to people and the environment. Insects, weeds, plant diseases and vertebrate animals all need to be correctly identified in order to determine appropriate control options.

For insects and weeds, observing the damage caused by the pest can often provide enough information to determine the type of pest that is present. In addition, observing the insect’s physical traits, habits and feeding patterns can also help to identify the species that is present. There are also many free mobile applications that can be used to identify pests from photographs that are uploaded.

Vertebrate animal pests are a significant threat to urban and agricultural landscapes. They cause nuisance and economic losses to crops, ornamentals, and natural areas. Wildlife is often appreciated from afar in our parks and natural areas; however, it can also become a problem when they enter landscapes and structures. This online tool can help users narrow down potential vertebrate pests using observations of typical damage, tracks or droppings (scat).

An important part of pest identification is determining the causes of the problem. Poor plant growth and damage are not always due to pests; other factors may include cultural conditions, environmental stress or competing weeds.

Once the pest has been accurately identified, it is important to familiarize yourself with its life cycle, habitat requirements, time and location of occurrence and reproductive habits. This will help to avoid the application of unnecessary chemical treatments that could be detrimental to the environment and human health. In addition, a good understanding of the pest’s biology can aid in the development of preventative IPM strategies that do not involve chemicals. These can include avoiding planting or growing susceptible plants, incorporating natural enemies or predators of the pest into the system, and utilizing cultural control methods.

Pest Prevention

A pest prevention program is an alternative to extermination and can be less expensive over the long term. It includes cleaning practices that minimize pest attraction, sealing entry points and preventing access to food products. This approach requires vigilance, maintenance and communication to be effective.

Many pests change their appearance over the course of their lives, or life cycle, so correct identification is key to pest management. For example, a weed seedling looks different than its mature form. Also, the juvenile hormones in some insect species prevent them from changing to the adult form until they have a good supply of food. The temperature and humidity of a site can affect pest activity as well. For example, cockroaches and mice are more active in warmer temperatures than in cooler ones.

Removing sources of food, water and shelter can help deter most pests. This can include storing foods in plastic or glass containers and removing garbage on a regular basis from indoor spaces. It can also include keeping areas clean and repairing leaky pipes and drains. Pests also live in a variety of habitats, including under paving stones and behind walls. These habitats can be modified by screening, caulking and repairing cracks to create less favorable living conditions.

Providing barriers to pests can be as simple as caulking and sealing openings around pipes, electrical wires and vents. It can also include putting up screens, mending doors and windows that have been ripped open by rodents and placing pest-repelling materials such as copper mesh around entry points.

Some pests can be managed using biological control agents. These are organisms such as bacteria that kill or injure their host insects without harming people or pets. Bacillus thuringiensis, for instance, kills caterpillars by disrupting their gut lining. Other biocontrol agents can be used to control a wide range of pests, including mosquitoes and earwigs.

Pests that cannot be controlled with other methods may require treatment by spraying, baiting, trapping and other means. In general, the number of pests and the extent of their damage determines whether or not a pesticide is needed. In addition, the type of pest and its habitat also influences the choice of a pest control method. Continuous pests, such as cockroaches and rats, require year round pest control while sporadic or migratory pests may need only occasional pest control.

Pest Control Methods

There are several types of pest control methods, some natural and some chemical. Natural methods are those that involve predators, parasites, and disease organisms that occur in nature to naturally control or eliminate pest populations. These include releasing enemies that naturally control the pests (such as parasitoids or predatory insects) into the target area, and introducing pathogens that will reduce pest populations. These methods usually take time to work, and they may not be effective against all pests.

Some natural methods can be supplemented by physical controls or barriers to pests, such as removing or blocking access to food or water sources. Examples of barriers include:

  • Window screens to keep health and nuisance pests out of buildings.
  • Floating row covers to protect many horticultural crops.
  • Plant collars to prevent cutworm damage to tomato plants.

Physical traps can also be used for monitoring and/or control, such as glue traps in homes for rodents, red sphere traps for codling moths, and snap traps for flies. Other physical controls include tillage to expose soil insects to desiccation and bird predation, and mulching to suppress weeds that provide cover and hiding places for crop-destroying pests.

Other control methods involve modifying the pests’ environment to limit their ability to reproduce or thrive, such as draining swamps and eliminating standing water; mowing to eliminate brush and weeds where mosquitoes breed; and planting trees that attract predators of nuisance birds and mammals (such as asters and serviceberry). Using plants that produce nectar or fruit to attract insect predators is another natural control method.

Chemical control methods use pesticides to kill or inhibit the growth of targeted pests, such as weed killers and insecticides. These can be natural products, synthetic compounds that mimic natural substances, or completely artificial materials. Integrated pest management combines all of these methods, tailoring the approach to the specific pest and site.

Identifying the pests and their habits is essential to determine when pest control measures should be taken. Seeing a few wasps flying around doesn’t justify an insecticide treatment, but seeing them in large numbers and invading your garden warrants action. Also, if you see discarded wings or other body parts in your home, that’s an indication that pests have been hiding in nooks and crannies.


When pest infestations occur, they can be costly to homeowners. In addition to the damage caused by the pests themselves, they also cost in labor and supplies for treatment. The good news is that pest control is less expensive than many people assume and can be preventative in nature to avoid major problems in the future.

The cost of pest control varies by the type of pest and level of infestation. Minor problems like ants or a small roach infestation can often be treated with sprays and glue traps purchased at your local hardware store. However, more serious issues, such as a rodent infestation or bed bug problem will require professional treatments and fumigation, which are more expensive.

The location of your home can also impact the price of pest control services. If you live in a rural area, the pest control company may need to travel farther for each service, which will increase your costs. Additionally, the pest control company may need to purchase more expensive products due to your area’s unique pest problems.

As a business owner, it’s important to know the prices of your competitors so that you can determine if you are charging too little or too much for your services. It’s essential that you charge enough to cover your wages, chemical prices per job, and operational costs. However, you also need to charge enough to attract clients and grow your business.

The best way to make sure you are pricing your pest control services correctly is to use a specialized field service management software that allows you to customize your plans and pricing based on the needs of each customer. This will ensure that your customers are receiving the exact plan they need while also allowing you to manage your costs and profits efficiently. By using a pest control software like Service Autopilot, you can create quarterly reports that will help you understand your true costs and give you the confidence that you are maximizing profits in your pest control business.

Understanding the Vital Work of Exterminators: Protecting Health and Property from Pests

Exterminator Bakersfield is the person responsible for eliminating unwanted pests from homes and businesses. They use a variety of techniques and require good physical stamina to bend or crawl in tight spaces.

Pest control professionals often work together to offer long-term prevention methods. These include traps, netting and decoys. They also help homeowners understand their options to keep unwanted pests away.

Pest Identification

pest control

Identifying pests is the first step of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and critical for effective control. Proper identification helps ensure that pesticides are used only where and when they are needed, and that they are applied at the correct rates to achieve the desired results. It also helps reduce the risk of injury to beneficial organisms, harmless plants or non-targeted animals. Pest identification should be as specific as possible, especially for insect pests. A weed specimen identified as “forest tent caterpillar” should be treated with a product approved for that specific pest, rather than one that is labeled only as “caterpillars.”

Many species of pests change their appearance as they go through different life stages. For example, an immature beetle might look a lot like a worm or caterpillar, and vice versa. The physical characteristics of a pest may also be influenced by the environment, such as the amount of sunlight it receives or the temperature it is exposed to. For these reasons, pest identification is often difficult and should be done with a degree of care to avoid misdiagnosis.

A pest control technician will carry out a thorough inspection of the affected area to assess the nature and extent of the infestation. This includes checking the inside and outside of the property, looking for evidence of pests such as feces, nests and damaged plants or structures, and identifying their entry points and possible breeding sites. This information will be used to develop a treatment plan that might include chemical treatments, traps and other exclusion techniques.

In some cases, the identification of pests requires expert assistance from specialists in fields such as botany, entomology and malacology. These individuals, known as National Specialists, provide final taxonomic identifications for PPQ’s pest identification programs and also collaborate extensively with non-PPQ experts, including those located at universities, state departments of agriculture, land-grant colleges and natural history museums. Accurate and timely pest identification is an essential part of safeguarding our nation’s agricultural and natural resources. It is the basis for all PPQ’s pest monitoring and response activities, and is the key to enabling appropriate, cost-effective use of federally registered plant protection products.


A typical day in the life of an exterminator involves going to a customer’s house or building and carrying out various pest control treatments. The job is not easy because it requires identifying pests, using pesticides or other types of chemical solutions to kill off the unwanted pests and making sure that all infested areas are treated. The exterminator also ensures that people occupying the house or building are evacuated during spraying and that air quality is restored afterward. Some jobs require the exterminator to drill into walls and other hard-to-reach places to access the areas that are infested by pests.

Harsh pesticides can affect the respiratory and nervous systems if inhaled or absorbed through skin contact. For this reason, the exterminator will usually advise inhabitants of how long they should remain away from their homes or offices after the treatment. In most cases, the duration of time required for a safe return depends on the type of pesticide used. The exterminator may also inform the occupants that it is important to keep children and pets away from the area until the chemicals are completely dry.

The presence of dead roaches in the hours and days after the treatment is a good sign. This is because the chemicals used in the treatment have forced roaches out of their hiding places and into direct contact with the pesticides. The exterminator should inform their customers that cleaning up these dead roaches is a necessary step to maintain hygiene in the home or office.

It is advisable to avoid cleaning right after a treatment because you might wipe away the chemicals used by your exterminator and this could decrease the effectiveness of the treatment. It is recommended that you wait for at least two to four hours before you clean again, keeping the windows open and running fans to let your home or office breathe.

Providing your exterminator with access to all the parts of your home or office where the pests are likely to hide is a good idea. In addition to this, removing any rotting wood and other materials that can act as shelter to pests is important. Additionally, reducing the amount of water around your property by fixing leaks is important as pests love moist environments.


The term “exterminator” is often used interchangeably with the term “pest control specialist.” Although their main goal is to remove pests, there are a few key distinctions that you should be aware of.

An exterminator is a person who is trained to use chemical products to eradicate pests. They are also knowledgeable about the habits and lifestyle of their customers and can come up with preventive strategies that will keep pests away for good.

Many pest infestations require immediate attention, especially if they are causing serious damage to the property. An example would be termites, which can cause significant structural damage to the home if not dealt with quickly. A professional exterminator can treat an infestation before it spreads further, saving the homeowner time and money.

One of the most important aspects of an exterminator’s job is listening to their customers. A customer knows their home or office like the back of their hand and can help an exterminator identify additional areas where pests may be hiding. This may include places that are difficult to see, such as cracks in walls or attics.

Depending on the type of pest, an exterminator will decide on the most appropriate treatment method. This could involve chemicals, traps or even physical removal of the pest. An exterminator will normally try to use the most environmentally friendly methods possible.

Once the pests are gone, the customer may notice a lingering smell or other signs of residual treatment. If this is the case, the customer should contact their exterminator to ask if this is normal and to get advice on when it is safe to begin regular household cleaning again.

An exterminator will often give a list of things that the customer can do to prevent pests from returning. This might include keeping the house clean, storing food in sealed containers and clearing out rubbish regularly. A homeowner should also trim any bushes or trees that might be providing shelter to rodents and other pests. The exterminator will also advise the customer on landscaping tactics to help deter pests.


No one wants to swat gnats and stomp roaches, and many homeowners are shelling out a lot of money for professional pest control services. Yet there are a few things that exterminators won’t tell you—that you can actually do yourself to prevent unwelcome guests from swarming your home.

First of all, when choosing a pest control company, always hire one that’s licensed to do business in your area. In addition, find out whether they are a member of any local or national pest management associations. This could be a good indication that they are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of their industry.

Before your exterminator arrives, you should prepare your house by cleaning and storing objects that might be exposed to chemicals or traps. Taking steps to clean the areas where pests lurk, such as under sinks and behind furniture, gives your exterminator better access and increases the effectiveness of the treatment. It’s also a good idea to cover any fish tanks or bird cages. If you have kids or pets, be sure to keep them away from the treated areas.

Some dictionaries, including the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, list “followup” as a single word rather than separating it into two words. Others, including Merriam-Webster, hyphenate the word as a standard usage. In any case, you should never be afraid to ask your pest control specialist questions. It’s important to find out what they will do for you and how long it should take.

It’s also worth finding out whether your exterminator will carry identification from their company at all times, and whether they have done a background check before being employed. Some of the most effective treatments for pests, such as chemical sprays, can be very toxic and should only be handled by trained professionals.

Before an exterminator uses any kind of spray around your house, they should thoroughly inspect the area to ensure that they are using the correct amount of the product. This is to protect you, your family and your pets, as well as the environment, from unnecessary exposure to chemicals that can be hazardous to your health.

Understanding the Behaviors and Habits of Common Household Intruders

pest control

Pests such as cockroaches, rats and mice can spread diseases. Rodents have incisors that cause damage to wood structures in homes and apartments by chewing. Termites are one of the most destructive pests of homes in the United States.

Regular cleaning, dehumidification and proper storage can control many pest infestations. Other steps include knowing the basic biology and habits of different pests, recognizing common symptoms and taking action promptly. Visit their Website for more informations.


Cockroaches are among the most adaptable insects on the planet, making it difficult to keep them out of your home. They’re able to flatten their bodies and squeeze into spaces only 1 or 2 millimeters wider than they are. They’re experts at hitching rides, entering homes on delivery packages, cardboard cutouts for 6-packs of beer or even in airport luggage. They can also scuttle across floors and walls to find dark, damp places where they’ll be safe from light, air conditioning or heating.

The most common household cockroach is the German cockroach, which grows up to 1 1/4 inches long and has two black stripes on its head. It takes about two months to grow from egg to adult. Other cockroaches include the American cockroach, oriental cockroach and brown-banded cockroach.

Keeping food sealed in cabinets and pantry drawers will prevent cockroaches from gaining access to it. Regularly cleaning the kitchen and storing items in containers with tight-fitting lids can help, too. Make sure your garbage disposal is working well and that there are no leaky faucets or pipes. Emptying pet water dishes and toothbrushes at night can further deter cockroaches from hanging around your home, too.


The tiny wingless insects known as booklice (Psocoptera) are a nuisance in dark, damp areas like basements, crawl spaces, kitchens and pantries. They feed on microscopic fungi and mold and often appear in new homes, where they may take up residence in insulation or around leaky plumbing.

The adult psocids are translucent or white to grey in colour and look somewhat like lice. They have a pair of long, slender antennae and chewing mouthparts. They lay sticky eggs alone or in groups and hatch from them within 2-4 weeks, developing through a series of nymphal stages before reaching adulthood.

Controlling a Booklice infestation is difficult as they are very secretive and do not leave many clues. If you suspect a problem, search bookshelves and boxes in dark corners for evidence of their presence. You can also check pantries and cupboards for signs of a mildew-like powder.

The best prevention measure is to reduce humidity levels in the home by opening windows and using fans, or installing dehumidifiers in problem rooms. This will help to eliminate any spores of mildew or mold and discourage psocids. A regular sweep of the house with borax or enzyme-based cleaners will also clean away any food sources and remove any possible hiding spots for these pests.


Ants are one of the most commonly encountered household pests. These insects are known for contaminating food, staining fabrics and paper, and depending on the species, can cause diseases such as salmonella, coliforms, streptococcus, and more. They can also damage wood structures in homes and property. They can invade properties through open food sources or by chewing their way into the home from the outside.

There are a few different types of ants in our area, including odorous house ants and carpenter ants. Odorous house ants are small and black or brown in color, and emit a scent that has been described as rotten coconut when crushed. These ants are most often seen in kitchens searching for sweet foods. They nest in wall voids and under floors of houses. Carpenter ants excavate wood to build their nests, leading to structural damage in homes.

To keep ants out of the house, keep counters and sinks clean of food scraps. Store honey, sugar, and other sweets in airtight containers. Make sure pet food is kept in containers between feedings and that garbage is taken out regularly. In addition, ant repellents can be very effective when used correctly. Ehrlich specialists recommend a mixture of lemon eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, and water that can be sprayed around the interior of the home.

Bird Mites

Bird mites can be difficult to detect as they are so small. They are typically found in pigeons, sparrows, starlings and other wild birds but can also be brought into homes through pet birds. They can bite humans as they search for new hosts but cannot reproduce on human blood and will die if not fed within a few weeks.

The most common symptom of a bird mite infestation is itchy skin. This is caused by the female mites injecting saliva into the skin, triggering an itching response similar to that of bed bug bites. The itching will usually clear once the mites are eradicated.

Control of bird mites starts with identifying and removing any nests or dead birds on or around property and in walls, roof spaces and porches. Spraying cracks and crevices with residual insecticides will also help to control the infestation. Be sure to read all product labels and apply as directed.

Silverfish or Firebrats

Silverfish and firebrats are wingless, flat insects that grow to about 1/2 inch in length with three thin tail-like appendages. They are found in many areas of the house, including closets, cabinets and storage areas, where they feed on starches, carbohydrates, paper, glue and other materials of plant origin. They can also damage silk and some synthetic fabrics.

In homes, both silverfish and firebrats are primarily nocturnal. They move quickly for their size and are attracted to starchy foods like cereal grains, flour, breadcrumbs, dried meats, book bindings, wallpaper and paper sizing. They also eat wood products and dead animals.

Control of silverfish and firebrats involves eliminating conditions that encourage them, such as humidity, by using dehumidifiers in damp basements and ensuring bathrooms are well ventilated. Regular cleaning around and behind appliances and in cabinets, closets and pantries will help to reduce food sources.

Both insects can be trapped in glass containers (like baby food jars) by wrapping the outside of the container with tape. This method works because silverfish and firebrats cannot climb smooth surfaces, but they can crawl up the taped surface. Boric acid dust can be used in wall voids and cracks to control both silverfish and firebrats, as it is low in toxicity and long-lasting if applied regularly.


Earwigs are not a problem on their own, but when too many enter your garden or home, they can damage plants and cause structural problems in your house. They feed on decaying plant material, wood and flowers and can also invade your home by seeking out damp spots like basements and crawl spaces. Chemical pesticides are not a good control option for earwigs because they can disrupt the delicate balance of your garden ecosystem. Instead, look to natural methods and consult your local pest control company for advice and help.

Earwigs are nocturnal and are attracted to moist dark areas where they can hide during the day. They can be drawn to your home by porch lights, and they’re often brought in unintentionally when people bring plants, wood piles, books, newspapers, boxes or other items inside. They can also find their way into your home through cracks and crevices, especially around doors and windows that aren’t sealed properly. Regular inspections and sealing of gaps are a good idea to prevent earwigs from entering your home, along with a dehumidifier in basements and a vapor barrier under cedar siding. Sprinkle boric acid powder or diatomaceous earth on dark, protected, moist areas outside to kill earwigs and other insects, but be sure to use it when children and pets are not nearby.

Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles are more commonly found in homes than are clothes moths and can cause extensive damage to a variety of items such as woolens, carpets and rugs, furs, stuffed animals, leather book bindings, animal horns, hair, feathers and dried plant materials. These pests also feed on a wide variety of seeds, grains and stored food products. Carpet beetle infestations are more difficult to control than are clothes moth infestations, but a combination of sanitation, exclusion and non-chemical controls may help prevent an outbreak.

Outdoors, adult female carpet beetles are often found on the blossoms of crape myrtle, spiraea, queen Anne’s lace, buckwheat and daisies as well as other flowering plants with abundant pollen. They will also seek out spider webs and bee, wasp and bird nests to lay eggs in. Larvae feed for varying lengths of time and molt 8-17 times before pupating.

Larvae can be detected by observing fecal pellets, which look like table salt and have the color of whatever item they have fed on. Seeing these pellets should be a prompt indication that carpet beetles are present in the home. Steam cleaning is effective for eliminating carpet beetle larvae and their eggs. In addition, examining fresh-cut flowers before bringing them into the house will ensure that carpet beetles are not hiding inside them.


Best Pest Control Tips From Pro

Pests thrive in dirty environments. Thoroughly cleaning seldom used cupboards and storage areas several times a year, wiping down all kitchen surfaces daily and storing food in sealed containers will help make your home less attractive and hospitable to pests.

Raking moisture-wicking soil and mulch away from window frames, and keeping bushes and low wood trimmed will also reduce pest habitats.

Keep Your Yard Clean

The arrival of spring means warm weather, flowers in bloom and a return of outdoor activity. However, it also marks the arrival of pests looking for food, water and shelter. You can keep these pesky creatures away by being proactive about cleaning and securing your yard and home.

Clutter is the perfect hiding spot for pests, and it can also provide entry points into your home. It’s important to clear out any dirt and debris that has gathered over the winter. It’s also a good time to empty out flower pots, buckets, toys and other items that are often used outdoors. Also be sure to clean out the garage, if you have one, as flies and other pests can be attracted to dirty garbage.

Weeds, overgrown grass and cluttered woodpiles are also breeding grounds for bugs, fleas and ticks, so it’s essential to keep these areas well-groomed. Store firewood piles at least a few feet from your house, and make sure to rake leaves regularly.

Standing water is another attraction for many unwelcome guests, so it’s important to get rid of it as soon as possible. This may mean emptying the koi pond after a rainstorm or removing puddles from the sidewalk. Mosquitoes, flies and other insects thrive in moist environments.

It’s also a good idea to store all household garbage in airtight containers until it is picked up for curbside collection. You can even add a scoop of borax, which is available at most garden centers, to your garbage bags as an extra line of defense against flies and other pests.

Some pests have a bad rap, but there are plenty of “friendly” insects, like ladybugs and beetles, that help control destructive insect populations in your yard. They feed on the aphids and other insects that would otherwise lay waste to your prize roses and veggie gardens. If you’re worried about a pest infestation, schedule regular visits from a professional pest control company to protect your home and yard. These trained technicians have the skills and equipment to deploy effective pesticides without endangering you or your pets.

Seal Up Entry Points

The first step in preventing pest infestations is to examine the exterior of your home and seal up any entry points. Look for cracks and crevices, especially those around the foundation, and fill them with caulk or steel wool. Make sure that door sweeps and thresholds are installed, and that windows have tight screens and weather stripping. Check for holes where utilities and vents enter through the walls, and plug them with something rodents cannot gnaw through, such as copper wool or plastic wood putty.

Another common entry point for mice, raccoons, squirrels, and birds is through the chimney. A chimney cap can keep these creatures out, while still allowing smoke to exit. The attic is also a common entrance point for these animals, as well as spiders, crickets, and other insects that love to hide in warm and dark places. If you have attic fans, cover them with wire mesh to keep pests from sneaking in.

Rodents have a way of finding small holes in the attic, basement, and crawl spaces. They can also squeeze through tiny gaps under doors and windows. Inspect these areas for signs of rodent activity, such as droppings, gnaw marks, or chewed wires and cords. Seal any gaps you find with caulk, and fill smaller openings with steel wool or plastic wood putty.

The garage is another common entry point for pests. Many homeowners treat the garage as a transition space between indoors and outdoors, but this can leave it vulnerable to mice, raccoons, and squirrels. If you have a pet, make sure the door into the garage is sealed shut, and that there are no gapping areas under or around the door.

Insects and spiders can also invade through cracks in the fascia, soffits, roofline, and chimney. If you have these issues, a professional should be called in to help.

Keep Your Home Clean

Keeping your home clean is the best way to prevent pests from entering your house. Pests like mice, rats, cockroaches, and ants not only ruin your home’s beauty but also cause damage to your property and health problems for you and your family. Some of these pests also carry diseases like malaria, yellow fever, and dengue which can be transmitted to humans.

Pests enter homes in search of food, water, and shelter. Eliminating these 3 attractants is the easiest way to keep pests away from your home. Be sure to repair leaky pipes and faucets inside and outside your house, and store food in air-tight containers both indoors and outdoors. Also, make sure your trash receptacles are sealed and cleaned regularly. Keep pet food and water bowls away from the front of your house, and declutter your home to remove clutter that can serve as hiding spots for pests.

Another thing to keep in mind is that many of the pests that invade homes in the spring are seasonal, meaning that they come around as the weather warms up and mating season begins. This is why it is important to be vigilant in the spring and make sure your home is protected from pests.

While some of these pests can be dangerous to your health (rodents, roaches, and termites), some are actually good for your garden. Ladybugs and green lacewings eat aphids, ground beetles devour caterpillars, and bats control the populations of mosquitoes and other pests that can be harmful to you.

The transition to spring brings a lot of moisture, and it’s easy for this dampness to affect the soil and wood around your home. Be sure to rake moisture-wicking mulch periodically and keep bushes and trees trimmed back from your home’s foundation. Store firewood and other wood building materials away from your home, and be sure to seal any construction gaps you find on the exterior of your house.

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so be sure to clean drains regularly and remove any clogged rain gutters. Additionally, keep water vessels like buckets, pots, and vases out of the house and use them only for outdoor purposes.

Get Rid of Clutter

Clutter attracts pests, and they thrive in a messy environment. It’s important to clear out clutter regularly so that it doesn’t build up and cause problems in your home. It’s also good to declutter for your health and well-being. Too much stuff can lead to stress, weight gain, and a less than optimal mood.

Clutter can include obvious trash, like old food and old towels, as well as things that are just “junk” or no longer serve a purpose in your life. You can start by challenging each family member to donate or throw away one item a day, then work up to going through specific areas of the house and decluttering them. For example, go through toy storage, closets, and junk drawers. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you try to tackle everything at once, so break it up and work on it room by room.

It’s also a good idea to check in attics and basements, where spider webs and other insects can lurk. Look for signs of pest activity, such as droppings (rodents have spindly, conical drops; birds have rounded droppings).

Finally, make sure to keep all your windows and doors closed while cleaning the outside of your house, so that pests don’t escape. In addition, make sure to close your garage door and put up a screen on your chimney so that pests can’t enter through these areas.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your home and yard free of pests all year round. Keep in mind, too, that if you’re still experiencing pest problems after trying these methods, it’s probably time to call the professionals! A professional exterminator can ensure that you’re completely pest free. They can even perform an inspection for you, too! So don’t wait; give us a call today. You won’t regret it! And remember, we offer free pest control estimates to all of our customers. So, if you need an exterminator, there’s no better choice than the Pro Team! And if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our customer care center.